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Get a database of daily or hourly weather forecasts for a given municipality.


aemet_forecast_daily(x, verbose = FALSE, extract_metadata = FALSE)

aemet_forecast_hourly(x, verbose = FALSE, extract_metadata = FALSE)



A vector of municipality codes to extract. For convenience, climaemet provides this data on the dataset aemet_munic (see municipio field) as of January 2020.


Logical TRUE/FALSE. Provides information about the flow of information between the client and server.


Logical TRUE/FALSE. On TRUE the output is a tibble with the description of the fields. See also get_metadata_aemet().


A nested tibble. Forecasted values can be extracted with aemet_forecast_tidy(). See also Details.


Forecasts format provided by the AEMET API have a complex structure. Although climaemet returns a tibble, each forecasted value is provided as a nested tibble. aemet_forecast_tidy() helper function can unnest these values an provide a single unnested tibble for the requested variable.

If extract_metadata = TRUE a simple tibble describing the value of each field of the forecast is returned.


You need to set your API Key globally using aemet_api_key().

See also

aemet_munic for municipality codes.

Other aemet_api_data: aemet_daily_clim(), aemet_extremes_clim(), aemet_last_obs(), aemet_monthly, aemet_normal, aemet_stations()

Other forecasts: aemet_forecast_tidy()


# Select a city
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
munis <- aemet_munic %>%
  filter(municipio_nombre %in% c(
    "Santiago de Compostela",
  )) %>%

daily <- aemet_forecast_daily(munis)

# Metadata
meta <- aemet_forecast_daily(munis, extract_metadata = TRUE)
#> Rows: 46
#> Columns: 5
#> $ id          <chr> "id", "version", "elaborado", "nombre", "provincia", "fech…
#> $ descripcion <chr> "Indicativo de municipio", "Versión", "Fecha de elaboració…
#> $ tipo_datos  <chr> "string", "float", "dataTime", "string", "string", "date",…
#> $ requerido   <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, …
#> $ unidad      <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "Tanto por ciento (%)", "metros (m…

# Vars available
#> [1] "probPrecipitacion" "cotaNieveProv"     "estadoCielo"      
#> [4] "viento"            "rachaMax"          "temperatura"      
#> [7] "sensTermica"       "humedadRelativa"  

# This is nested
daily %>%
  select(municipio, fecha, nombre, temperatura)
#> # A tibble: 14 × 4
#>    municipio fecha      nombre                 temperatura$maxima $minima $dato 
#>    <chr>     <date>     <chr>                               <int>   <int> <list>
#>  1 15078     2024-04-24 Santiago de Compostela                 18       7 <df>  
#>  2 15078     2024-04-25 Santiago de Compostela                 17       8 <df>  
#>  3 15078     2024-04-26 Santiago de Compostela                 15       9 <df>  
#>  4 15078     2024-04-27 Santiago de Compostela                 14       7 <df>  
#>  5 15078     2024-04-28 Santiago de Compostela                 17       5 <df>  
#>  6 15078     2024-04-29 Santiago de Compostela                 17       8 <df>  
#>  7 15078     2024-04-30 Santiago de Compostela                 14       7 <df>  
#>  8 27028     2024-04-24 Lugo                                   16       4 <df>  
#>  9 27028     2024-04-25 Lugo                                   15       7 <df>  
#> 10 27028     2024-04-26 Lugo                                   15       7 <df>  
#> 11 27028     2024-04-27 Lugo                                   12       4 <df>  
#> 12 27028     2024-04-28 Lugo                                   17       2 <df>  
#> 13 27028     2024-04-29 Lugo                                   17       6 <df>  
#> 14 27028     2024-04-30 Lugo                                   17       4 <df>  

# Select and unnest
daily_temp <- aemet_forecast_tidy(daily, "temperatura")

# This is not
#> # A tibble: 14 × 14
#>    elaborado           municipio nombre provincia id    version uvMax fecha     
#>    <dttm>              <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <chr>   <dbl> <int> <date>    
#>  1 2024-04-24 12:06:08 15078     Santi… A Coruña  15078       1     6 2024-04-24
#>  2 2024-04-24 12:06:08 15078     Santi… A Coruña  15078       1     5 2024-04-25
#>  3 2024-04-24 12:06:08 15078     Santi… A Coruña  15078       1     5 2024-04-26
#>  4 2024-04-24 12:06:08 15078     Santi… A Coruña  15078       1     5 2024-04-27
#>  5 2024-04-24 12:06:08 15078     Santi… A Coruña  15078       1     5 2024-04-28
#>  6 2024-04-24 12:06:08 15078     Santi… A Coruña  15078       1    NA 2024-04-29
#>  7 2024-04-24 12:06:08 15078     Santi… A Coruña  15078       1    NA 2024-04-30
#>  8 2024-04-24 12:06:08 27028     Lugo   Lugo      27028       1     6 2024-04-24
#>  9 2024-04-24 12:06:08 27028     Lugo   Lugo      27028       1     5 2024-04-25
#> 10 2024-04-24 12:06:08 27028     Lugo   Lugo      27028       1     5 2024-04-26
#> 11 2024-04-24 12:06:08 27028     Lugo   Lugo      27028       1     5 2024-04-27
#> 12 2024-04-24 12:06:08 27028     Lugo   Lugo      27028       1     5 2024-04-28
#> 13 2024-04-24 12:06:08 27028     Lugo   Lugo      27028       1    NA 2024-04-29
#> 14 2024-04-24 12:06:08 27028     Lugo   Lugo      27028       1    NA 2024-04-30
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: temperatura_maxima <int>, temperatura_minima <int>,
#> #   temperatura_6 <int>, temperatura_12 <int>, temperatura_18 <int>,
#> #   temperatura_24 <int>

# Wrangle and plot
daily_temp_end <- daily_temp %>%
    elaborado, fecha, municipio, nombre, temperatura_minima,
  ) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = contains("temperatura"))

# Plot
ggplot(daily_temp_end) +
  geom_line(aes(fecha, value, color = name)) +
  facet_wrap(~nombre, ncol = 1) +
    values = c("red", "blue"),
    labels = c("max", "min")
  ) +
    labels = scales::label_date_short(),
    breaks = "day"
  ) +
    labels = scales::label_comma(suffix = "º")
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
    x = "", y = "",
    color = "",
    title = "Forecast: 7-day temperature",
    subtitle = paste(
      "Forecast produced on",
      format(daily_temp_end$elaborado[1], usetz = TRUE)