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Get AEMET alert zones.


aemet_alert_zones(verbose = FALSE, return_sf = FALSE)

Source See also Annex 2 and Annex 3 docs, linked in this page.



Logical TRUE/FALSE. Provides information about the flow of information between the client and server.


Logical TRUE or FALSE. Should the function return an sf spatial object? If FALSE (the default value) it returns a tibble. Note that you need to have the sf package installed.


A tibble or a sf object.


The first result of the call on each session is (temporarily) cached in the assigned tempdir() for avoiding unneeded API calls.


alert_zones <- aemet_alert_zones()
#> # A tibble: 233 × 6
#>    COD_Z  NOM_Z                           COD_PROV NOM_PROV COD_CCAA NOM_CCAA 
#>    <chr>  <chr>                           <chr>    <chr>    <chr>    <chr>    
#>  1 610401 Valle del Almanzora y Los Vélez 6104     Almería  61       Andalucía
#>  2 610402 Nacimiento y Campo de Tabernas  6104     Almería  61       Andalucía
#>  3 610403 Poniente y Almería Capital      6104     Almería  61       Andalucía
#>  4 610404 Levante almeriense              6104     Almería  61       Andalucía
#>  5 611101 Grazalema                       6111     Cádiz    61       Andalucía
#>  6 611102 Campiña gaditana                6111     Cádiz    61       Andalucía
#>  7 611103 Litoral gaditano                6111     Cádiz    61       Andalucía
#>  8 611104 Estrecho                        6111     Cádiz    61       Andalucía
#>  9 611401 Sierra y Pedroches              6114     Córdoba  61       Andalucía
#> 10 611402 Campiña cordobesa               6114     Córdoba  61       Andalucía
#> # ℹ 223 more rows

# Cached during this R session
alert_zones2 <- aemet_alert_zones(verbose = TRUE)
#> Loading alert zones from temporal cached file saved at 2025-02-10 11:41:59 UTC

identical(alert_zones, alert_zones2)
#> [1] TRUE

# Select an map beaches

# Galicia
alert_zones_sf <- aemet_alert_zones(return_sf = TRUE) %>%
  filter(COD_CCAA == "71")

# Coast zones are identified by a "C" in COD_Z
alert_zones_sf$type <- ifelse(grepl("C$", alert_zones_sf$COD_Z),
  "Coast", "Mainland"

ggplot(alert_zones_sf) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = NOM_PROV)) +
  facet_wrap(~type) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Blues")