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The series alias is a positional code showing the location (column and/or row) of the series in the table. However, although it is unique, it is not a good candidate to be used as the series ID, as it is subject to change. If a series changes position in the table, its alias will also change.

To ensure series can still be identified, even after these changes, they are assigned a sequential number (series_code on this function) which will remain unchanged throughout the series' lifetime.

Note that a single series could be used on different tables, so it can have several aliases. If you need to search by alias it is recommended to use bde_series_full_load().


  series_label = NULL,
  out_format = "wide",
  parse_dates = TRUE,
  parse_numeric = TRUE,
  cache_dir = NULL,
  update_cache = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  extract_metadata = FALSE



a numeric (or coercible with base::as.double() value or vector with time-series code(s), as defined in the field Número secuencial of the corresponding series. See bde_catalog_load().


Optional. Character vector or value. Allows to specify a custom label for the series extracted. It should have the same length than series_code.


Defines if the format must be returned as a "long" dataset or a "wide" dataset. Possible values are "wide" or "long". See Value for Details and Section Examples.


Logical. If TRUE the dates would be parsed using bde_parse_dates().


Logical. If TRUE the columns would be parsed to double (numeric) values. See Note.


A path to a cache directory. The directory can also be set via options with options(bde_cache_dir = "path/to/dir").


Logical. If TRUE the requested file would be updated on the cache_dir.


Logical TRUE or FALSE, display information useful for debugging.


Logical TRUE/FALSE. On TRUE the output is the metadata of the requested series.


A tibble with a field Date and :

  • With out_format = "wide" each series is presented in a separate column with the name defined by series_label.

  • With out_format = "long" the tibble would have two more columns, serie_name with the labels of each series and serie_value with the value of the series.

"wide" format is more suitable for exporting to a .csv file while "long" format is more suitable for producing plots with ggplot2::ggplot(). See also tidyr::pivot_longer() and tidyr::pivot_wider().


Load a single time-series provided by BdE.


This function tries to coerce the columns to numbers. For some series a warning may be displayed if the parser fails. You can override the default behavior with parse_numeric = FALSE


# \donttest{
# Metadata
bde_series_load(573234, verbose = TRUE, extract_metadata = TRUE)
#> tidyBdE> Caching on temporary directory C:\Users\RUNNER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpUbpFpp
#> tidyBdE> Cached version of BE detected
#> tidyBdE> Cached version of SI detected
#> tidyBdE> Cached version of TC detected
#> tidyBdE> Cached version of TI detected
#> tidyBdE> Cached version of PB detected
#> tidyBdE> Parsing dates
#> tidyBdE> Extracting series 573234
#> tidyBdE> Downloading serie 573234 from file TC_1_1.csv (alias TC_1_1.1).
#> tidyBdE> Caching on temporary directory C:\Users\RUNNER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpUbpFpp/TC
#> tidyBdE> Downloading file from
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   Date                        `573234`                                          
#>   <chr>                       <chr>                                             
#> 1 NOMBRE DE LA SERIE          DTCCBCEUSDEUR.B                                   
#> 2 NÚMERO SECUENCIAL           573234                                            
#> 3 ALIAS DE LA SERIE           TC_1_1.1                                          
#> 4 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA SERIE     Tipo de cambio. Dólares estadounidenses por euro …
#> 5 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS UNIDADES Dólares de Estados Unidos por Euro                
#> 6 FRECUENCIA                  LABORABLE                                         

# Data
bde_series_load(573234, extract_metadata = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 6,836 × 2
#>    Date       `573234`
#>    <date>        <dbl>
#>  1 1999-01-04     1.18
#>  2 1999-01-05     1.18
#>  3 1999-01-06     1.17
#>  4 1999-01-07     1.16
#>  5 1999-01-08     1.17
#>  6 1999-01-11     1.16
#>  7 1999-01-12     1.15
#>  8 1999-01-13     1.17
#>  9 1999-01-14     1.17
#> 10 1999-01-15     1.16
#> # ℹ 6,826 more rows

# Vectorized
bde_series_load(c(573234, 573214),
  series_label = c("US/EUR", "GBP/EUR"),
  extract_metadata = TRUE
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   Date                        `US/EUR`                                 `GBP/EUR`
#>   <chr>                       <chr>                                    <chr>    
#> 1 NOMBRE DE LA SERIE          DTCCBCEUSDEUR.B                          DTCCBCEG…
#> 2 NÚMERO SECUENCIAL           573234                                   573214   
#> 3 ALIAS DE LA SERIE           TC_1_1.1                                 TC_1_1.4 
#> 4 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA SERIE     Tipo de cambio. Dólares estadounidenses… Tipo de …
#> 5 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS UNIDADES Dólares de Estados Unidos por Euro       Libras e…
#> 6 FRECUENCIA                  LABORABLE                                LABORABLE

wide <- bde_series_load(c(573234, 573214),
  series_label = c("US/EUR", "GBP/EUR")

# Wide format
#> # A tibble: 6,836 × 3
#>    Date       `US/EUR` `GBP/EUR`
#>    <date>        <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 1999-01-04     1.18     0.711
#>  2 1999-01-05     1.18     0.712
#>  3 1999-01-06     1.17     0.708
#>  4 1999-01-07     1.16     0.706
#>  5 1999-01-08     1.17     0.709
#>  6 1999-01-11     1.16     0.704
#>  7 1999-01-12     1.15     0.707
#>  8 1999-01-13     1.17     0.708
#>  9 1999-01-14     1.17     0.706
#> 10 1999-01-15     1.16     0.704
#> # ℹ 6,826 more rows

# Long format
long <- bde_series_load(c(573234, 573214),
  series_label = c("US/EUR", "GBP/EUR"),
  out_format = "long"

#> # A tibble: 13,672 × 3
#>    Date       serie_name serie_value
#>    <date>     <fct>            <dbl>
#>  1 1999-01-04 US/EUR            1.18
#>  2 1999-01-05 US/EUR            1.18
#>  3 1999-01-06 US/EUR            1.17
#>  4 1999-01-07 US/EUR            1.16
#>  5 1999-01-08 US/EUR            1.17
#>  6 1999-01-11 US/EUR            1.16
#>  7 1999-01-12 US/EUR            1.15
#>  8 1999-01-13 US/EUR            1.17
#>  9 1999-01-14 US/EUR            1.17
#> 10 1999-01-15 US/EUR            1.16
#> # ℹ 13,662 more rows

# Use with ggplot

ggplot(long, aes(Date, serie_value)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = serie_name, color = serie_name)) +
  scale_color_bde_d() +

# }