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Load a full time-series file provided by BdE.


  parse_dates = TRUE,
  parse_numeric = TRUE,
  cache_dir = NULL,
  update_cache = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  extract_metadata = FALSE



csv file of a series, as defined in the field Nombre del archivo con los valores de la serie of the corresponding catalog. See bde_catalog_load().


Logical. If TRUE the dates would be parsed using bde_parse_dates().


Logical. If TRUE the columns would be parsed to double (numeric) values. See Note.


A path to a cache directory. The directory can also be set via options with options(bde_cache_dir = "path/to/dir").


Logical. If TRUE the requested file would be updated on the cache_dir.


Logical TRUE or FALSE, display information useful for debugging.


Logical TRUE/FALSE. On TRUE the output is the metadata of the requested series.


A tibble with a field Date and the alias of the fields series as described on the catalogs. See bde_catalog_load().


About BdE file naming

The series name is a positional code showing the location of the table. For example, table be_6_1 represents the Table 1, Chapter 6 of the Statistical Bulletin ("BE"). Although it is a unique value, it is subject to change (i.e. a new table is inserted before).

For that reason, the function bde_series_load() is more suitable for extracting specific time-series.


This function tries to coerce the columns to numbers. For some series a warning may be displayed if the parser fails. You can override the default behavior with parse_numeric = FALSE

See also

Other series: bde_series_load()


# \donttest{
# Metadata
bde_series_full_load("TI_1_1.csv", extract_metadata = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   Date                        TI_1_1.1                TI_1_1.2 TI_1_1.3 TI_1_1.4
#>   <chr>                       <chr>                   <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
#> 1 NOMBRE DE LA SERIE          D_DTFK09A0              D_DTFK0… D_DNBCE… D_DNBCE…
#> 2 NÚMERO SECUENCIAL           4562340                 4562341  4573260  4573259 
#> 3 ALIAS DE LA SERIE           TI_1_1.1                TI_1_1.2 TI_1_1.3 TI_1_1.4
#> 4 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA SERIE     Tipo de interés. Opera… Tipo de… Tipo de… Tipo de…
#> 5 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS UNIDADES Porcentaje              Porcent… Porcent… Porcent…
#> 6 FRECUENCIA                  LABORABLE               LABORAB… LABORAB… LABORAB…

# Data
#> # A tibble: 6,815 × 5
#>    Date       TI_1_1.1 TI_1_1.2 TI_1_1.3 TI_1_1.4
#>    <date>        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 1999-01-01        3       NA     4.5      2   
#>  2 1999-01-04        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#>  3 1999-01-05        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#>  4 1999-01-06        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#>  5 1999-01-07        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#>  6 1999-01-08        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#>  7 1999-01-11        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#>  8 1999-01-12        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#>  9 1999-01-13        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#> 10 1999-01-14        3       NA     3.25     2.75
#> # ℹ 6,805 more rows
# }