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Get spatial zones for the specified data version. Supports both v1 (2020-2021) and v2 (2022 onwards) data.


  zones = c("districts", "dist", "distr", "distritos", "municipalities", "muni",
    "municip", "municipios", "lua", "large_urban_areas", "gau", "grandes_areas_urbanas"),
  ver = NULL,
  data_dir = spod_get_data_dir(),
  quiet = FALSE



The zones for which to download the data. Can be "districts" (or "dist", "distr", or the original Spanish "distritos") or "municipalities" (or "muni", "municip", or the original Spanish "municipios") for both data versions. Additionaly, these can be "large_urban_areas" (or "lua", or the original Spanish "grandes_areas_urbanas", or "gau") for v2 data (2022 onwards).


Integer. Can be 1 or 2. The version of the data to use. v1 spans 2020-2021, v2 covers 2022 and onwards.


The directory where the data is stored. Defaults to the value returned by spod_get_data_dir() which returns the value of the environment variable SPANISH_OD_DATA_DIR or a temporary directory if the variable is not set. To set the data directory, use spod_set_data_dir.


A logical value indicating whether to suppress messages. Default is FALSE.


An sf object (Simple Feature collection).

The columns for v1 (2020-2021) data include:


A character vector containing the unique identifier for each district, assigned by the data provider. This id matches the id_origin, id_destination, and id in district-level origin-destination and number of trips data.


A string with semicolon-separated identifiers of census districts classified by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE) that are spatially bound within the polygons for each id.


A string with semicolon-separated municipality identifiers (as assigned by the data provider) corresponding to each district id.


A string with semicolon-separated municipality identifiers classified by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE) corresponding to each id.


A string with semicolon-separated district names (from the v2 version of this data) corresponding to each district id in v1.


A string with semicolon-separated district identifiers (from the v2 version of this data) corresponding to each district id in v1.


A MULTIPOLYGON column containing the spatial geometry of each district, stored as an sf object. The geometry is projected in the ETRS89 / UTM zone 30N coordinate reference system (CRS), with XY dimensions.

The columns for v2 (2022 onwards) data include:


A character vector containing the unique identifier for each zone, assigned by the data provider.


A character vector with the name of each district.


A numeric vector representing the population of each district (as of 2022).


A string with semicolon-separated identifiers of census sections corresponding to each district.


A string with semicolon-separated identifiers of census districts as classified by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE) corresponding to each district.


A string with semicolon-separated identifiers of municipalities classified by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE) corresponding to each district.


A string with semicolon-separated identifiers of municipalities, as assigned by the data provider, that correspond to each district.


A string with semicolon-separated identifiers of LUAs (Local Urban Areas) from the provider, associated with each district.


A string with semicolon-separated district identifiers from v1 data corresponding to each district in v2. If no match exists, it is marked as NA.


A MULTIPOLYGON column containing the spatial geometry of each district, stored as an sf object. The geometry is projected in the ETRS89 / UTM zone 30N coordinate reference system (CRS), with XY dimensions.


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# \donttest{
# get polygons for municipalities for the v2 data
municip_v2 <- spod_get_zones(zones = "municipalities", ver = 2)

# get polygons for the districts for the v1 data
distr_v1 <- spod_get_zones(zones = "districts", ver = 1)
# }