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This function allows the user to quickly connect to the data converted to DuckDB with the spod_convert function. This function simplifies the connection process. The user is free to use the DBI and DuckDB packages to connect to the data manually, or to use the arrow package to connect to the parquet files folder.


  target_table_name = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,
  max_mem_gb = max(4, spod_available_ram() - 4),
  max_n_cpu = max(1, parallelly::availableCores() - 1),
  temp_path = spod_get_temp_dir()



a path to the DuckDB database file with '.duckdb' extension, or a path to the folder with parquet files. Eigher one should have been created with the spod_convert function.


Default is NULL. When connecting to a folder of parquet files, this argument is ignored. When connecting to a DuckDB database, a character vector of length 1 with the table name to open from the database file. If not specified, it will be guessed from the data_path argument and from table names that are available in the database. If you have not manually interfered with the database, this should be guessed automatically and you do not need to specify it.


A logical value indicating whether to suppress messages. Default is FALSE.


The maximum memory to use in GB. A conservative default is 3 GB, which should be enough for resaving the data to DuckDB form a folder of CSV.gz files while being small enough to fit in memory of most even old computers. For data analysis using the already converted data (in DuckDB or Parquet format) or with the raw CSV.gz data, it is recommended to increase it according to available resources.


The maximum number of threads to use. Defaults to the number of available cores minus 1.


The path to the temp folder for DuckDB for intermediate spilling in case the set memory limit and/or physical memory of the computer is too low to perform the query. By default this is set to the temp directory in the data folder defined by SPANISH_OD_DATA_DIR environment variable. Otherwise, for queries on folders of CSV files or parquet files, the temporary path would be set to the current R working directory, which probably is undesirable, as the current working directory can be on a slow storage, or storage that may have limited space, compared to the data folder.


a DuckDB table connection object.


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# \donttest{
# Set data dir for file downloads

# download and convert data
dates_1 <- c(start = "2020-02-17", end = "2020-02-18")
db_2 <- spod_convert(
 type = "number_of_trips",
 zones = "distr",
 dates = dates_1,
 overwrite = TRUE

# now connect to the converted data
my_od_data_2 <- spod_connect(db_2)

# disconnect from the database
# }