Get longitude/latitude from valid cadastral ref. or kml files from catastro.
x | A valid spanish cadastral reference. |
parse_files | bool. Default to FALSE. Set TRUE if source are KML files. |
A string for longitude/latitude if found. NA if not found.
You may be banned if many requests in short time are made.
## source is cadastral reference number ### NOT RUN { ## geocode_cadastral("0636105UF3403N", parse_files = FALSE) ##"36.5209422288168,-4.89298751473745" ## Use lapply to geocode cadastral references from dataframe columns. cadastral_references$new <- lapply(cadastral_references$cadref1, geocode_cadastral) ## separate previously generated "new" data into columns usign tidyr # library(tidyr) # separate(cadastral_references, new, into = c('longitude','latitude'), sep = "," ) ## source is folder. A loop is needed to process each kml file ## # files <- list.files("folder", full.names = T) # for (f in files) { # coords <- geocode_cadastral(f, parse_files = TRUE) # d <- as.data.frame(rbind(d , as.data.frame(coords, stringsAsFactors = F ))) # } # separate lat/lon into columns if you prefer using tidyr # d <- tidyr::separate(coords, into = c("longitude","latitude"), sep = "," ) # }