Obtains data by the type of variable in the survey. There are different types groups of variables that can be selected.

get_variable(df, type)



Defines the type of variable. Accepts the following strings: demographic: Demographic information of the user. economic_activity: Economic activity of the user. health: Health status of the user accidents: Likelihood of accidents of the user. activity_restriction: Restriction of activity in the user. limitations: Physical, mental and cognitive limitations of the user daily_limitations: Limitations in the daily activities of the user. mental: Mental health of the user. doctor: Health care and GP visits. hospital: Hospital visits, emergency wards and insurance. drugs: Drugs consumption. prevention: Prevention practices. lack: Non-covered medical needs. physical: Physical characteristics of the user. physical_activity: Physical activity of the user. nutrition: Nutrition of the user. dental: Dental health of the user. smoking: Smoking consumption and smoke exposure of the user. alcohol: Alcohol consumption of the user. support: Support and social life of the user. care: Care activities of the user. other: Other variables


get_variable(adult, variable = "care")
#> Error in get_variable(adult, variable = "care"): could not find function "get_variable"