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Implementation of the OVCCoordenadas service Consulta RCCOOR Distancia.

Return the cadastral reference found on a set of coordinates. If no cadastral references are found, the API returns a list of the cadastral references found on an area of 50 square meters around the requested coordinates.


catr_ovc_get_rccoor_distancia(lat, lon, srs = 4326, verbose = FALSE)



Latitude to use on the query. It should be specified in the same in the CRS/SRS specified by srs.


Longitude to use on the query. It should be specified in the same in the CRS/SRS specified by srs.


SRS/CRS to use on the query. To check the admitted values check catr_srs_values, specifically the ovc_service column.


Logical, displays information. Useful for debugging, default is FALSE.


A tibble. See Details


When the API does not provide any result, the function returns a tibble with the input parameters only.

On a successful query, the function returns a tibble with one row by cadastral reference, including the following columns:

  • geo.xcen, geo.ycen, geo.srs: Input parameters of the query.

  • refcat: Cadastral reference.

  • address: Address as it is recorded on the Cadastre.

  • cmun_ine: Municipality code as registered on the INE (National Statistics Institute).

  • Rest of fields: Check the API Docs.


# \donttest{
  lat = 40.963200,
  lon = -5.671420,
  srs = 4326
#> # A tibble: 7 × 14
#>   geo.xcen geo.ycen geo.srs   refcat  address cmun_ine pc.pc1 pc.pc2 dt.loine.cp
#>      <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>     <chr>   <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>      
#> 1    -5.67     41.0 EPSG:4326 528380… CL SAN… 37274    52838… TL735… 37         
#> 2    -5.67     41.0 EPSG:4326 528383… CT SAN… 37274    52838… TL735… 37         
#> 3    -5.67     41.0 EPSG:4326 528341… CL SAN… 37274    52834… TL735… 37         
#> 4    -5.67     41.0 EPSG:4326 538380… CT SAN… 37274    53838… TL735… 37         
#> 5    -5.67     41.0 EPSG:4326 538480… CL GAR… 37274    53848… TL735… 37         
#> 6    -5.67     41.0 EPSG:4326 538380… CL ENC… 37274    53838… TL735… 37         
#> 7    -5.67     41.0 EPSG:4326 528383… CL SAN… 37274    52838… TL735… 37         
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: <chr>, <chr>,
#> #   dt.lourb.dir.pnp <chr>, ldt <chr>, dis <chr>
# }